A Brian Shaffer Story
This is a podcast series about the disappearance of Brian Shaffer, a 27 yr old med. student in Columbus Ohio, who went out on the 31th of march in 2006 to enjoy a night out bar hopping to celebrate the beginning of Spring break. He was observed by the entrance area in the campus bar ”The Ugly Tuna Saloona” at around 2am, by which after he was never seen or heard from again.

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Part 1. A Narrative.
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
"A Narrative"
2024.04.09 - This Episode is available in an AI Format. Currently part 18.
Greetings, I’m Edo, hailing from Scandinavia, drawn deeply into the perplexing case of a missing person that has yet to be resolved. Throughout this series, I will delve into the known facts of the case, narrating with my distinctive accent and committing to this exploration until all possible insights are exhausted and plausible scenarios are presented.
The inaugural episode admittedly focuses on the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. We revisit key details and my personal journey into this mystery, especially highlighting the areas around the bar where Brian was last seen—particularly the emergency exit/fire escape, a critical point in this case.
Given the enigmatic nature of Brian's disappearance, it's challenging to find a starting episode that does justice to the myriad of unanswered questions and the aura of mystery that surrounds it. Nevertheless, I invite you to join me in this series, hoping it will inspire you to delve deeper into the unfolding narrative.
Many, including the police and detectives who have pondered this case for over 13 years, have attempted to decode what truly happened to Brian Shaffer. Despite their efforts, the former lead detective admits to having no leads. However, by progressively uncovering details and learning about related events, we inch closer to forming hypotheses about the events of April Fool’s Day in 2006.
For newcomers to Brian's case, I recommend starting with "The introduction to the Brian Shaffer case" episode that provides a foundation before diving into "A Narrative." This will equip you with a broader understanding of the complexities involved.
We have shared an age progression photo and contact information for authorities on our Instagram page.
I appreciate any reviews or information you can provide and encourage you to share this series with others. My ultimate goal is to unearth what exactly happened to Brian Shaffer, or at the very least, to propose the most plausible explanation for his disappearance.
Please contact brianshafferforsvunnen at outlook com for any source material related to this series that you wish to review or verify. Additionally, I’ve posted art visuals and other relevant content on our Instagram account to enrich your understanding of the series.
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Friday Apr 23, 2021
Part 2. Exits and Searches
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
A Brian Shaffer story part 2 continues with Brian and his friends visiting the Ugly Tuna Saloona bar the second time around. We get to know the band that played in the bar and what we guess likely transpired before Brian ultimately made his way out. And how "did" he manage to get out without being seen? Afterwards I recount the immediate searches undertaken by the Columbus Police Department.
NB. At around 03.00 minutes into the episode I mention the possibility to go either left or right when arriving on the top of the escalators. And going left meant in this instance visiting the Gateway Cinema. At this hour however, when visiting the Gateway building, the Cinema was closed and this area was restricted and guarded by two on-duty police officers. They can be seen in their white uniform in the cctv footage captured around 01.55 am with Brian standing on the foyer.
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Friday Apr 23, 2021
Part 3. Cameras and Clint
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
A Brian Shaffer Story part 3 continues with the investigation of the footage retrieved and the interviews conducted by the Columbus Police Department. Then eyes turn towards Brian's companion that evening, Clint Florence, and we go to great lenght to discuss his role in this story.
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Friday Apr 23, 2021
Part 4. Events and Theories
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
In this fourth part of A Brian Shaffer Story, we've reached the part recounting the major events that occurred after Brian went missing. We also head in into the theories territory... and start to try to unpuzzle this mysterious case....
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Friday Apr 23, 2021
Part 5. The Primo Connection with Giulia M.
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
“A previously unheard baffling disappearance might yield a plausible answer”
In A Brian Shaffer Story part 5, the series continues with more focus on one of theories of what could have happened to Brian that night. Giulia Montanari joins in to discuss the case of Primo Zanoli.
Mr. Zanoli, a patient, vanished within a crowded hospital in Modena, Italy, while recovering from a surgery. Despite searching for him in all possible manners authorities failed to locate him and later proclaimed Mr. Zanoli had ran away from the hospital out into the wilderness. But family members didn’t buy the explanation.
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Monday Jun 07, 2021
The Introduction to the Brian Shaffer case
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
' A Medical student enters a bar and vanishes forever'
Columbus, OH.: A seemingly regular night out between friends on the 31:th of march 2006 turns into a bewildering, almost incomprehensible disappearance. And it's hard to lay your mind at rest after you've found out about it.
This episode is an introduction to Brian Shaffer's case. If you've never heard of his disappearance prior or you'd like to refresh your memory I've created this episode just for that.
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Music partly by: ItsWatR

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Part 6. A True? Crime Episode with Tanna
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
This episode will cover aspects in Brian Shaffer's disappearance in a "crime context".
With the help from outstanding Tanna from Sculch True Crime Studios we've tried to come up with every possible foul-play situation that could have occurred that early morning and ensuing weekend.
In a situation where a person goes missing, there’s always a possibility that a criminal act committed against this person can be the underlying reason to why this person is not around any more.
When The Police enters the scene to investigate, they try to get an overhaul view and look at plausible situations that could have occurred. They search, they inquire, they try to gather information that’s useful so that they can make their best assessment of what actually happened.
In most criminal cases, usually some form of evidence is gathered, something indicating a sinister motive is discovered, and many times non-pertinent theories can be eliminated so the real cause can be determined.
We know that foul play was considered a possibility in Brian’s case. Something could have happened to him in that regard for him to disappear. So the conversation/interview touches the subject with a notion that nothing has been found.
The conversation started a little bit earlier, the recording catches up when we entered the subject speculating how Brian could've left the Gateway area!
Age progression photo and contact information to Authorities are posted on Instagram.
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Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Part 7. Deniz Arda - The Missing Soldier Connection
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Welcome to this two-chapter Episode.
An off-duty Swedish Officer goes missing without a trace while supposedly exercising on a running trail and an unparalleled search effort is launched to try to find him. People close to him begin to scrutinize their initial theories. No one seem to come to grips with..... 'How can a person just vanish into thin air'?
Amidst all this a havoc of various theories are discussed and shared online. One would ultimately it turned out, resonate with perceived events on the ground.
(UPDATED in part 17).
<Rumours can be inglorious...however a 'particular' one was recently corroborated by factual evidence, a continuation of this case is in the works and will be released shortly // Edo L. 16th March 2023>
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Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Part 8. Brian Shaffer LEFT the building RIGHT
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
In this riveting episode, we continue to unravel the enigmatic case of Brian Shaffer. Central to our investigation is the haunting question: Did Brian ever really leave the building that fateful night? Addressing this mystery is crucial to understanding the possible scenarios that could have unfolded and is pivotal to any resolution in his disappearance.
Despite years of searching and countless inquiries into his last known whereabouts inside the bustling Gateway building, the thick fog of mystery persists. Brian wasn't captured on any exit surveillance cameras, and no footage in the heavily monitored areas of Columbus shows him leaving. For some, this isn't a concern—it merely adds a layer of intrigue to the case. But should we dismiss this lack of evidence so lightly?
This episode takes you through a detailed examination of the building’s layout, the physical laws of space and time, and the potential significance they may hold in the case. We'll engage in some theoretical physics and role-playing to explore the dimensions of Brian's disappearance and discuss intentions and potential theories that could explain why Brian was never seen leaving the Gateway building.
Join us as we dissect every angle, from the plausible to the paranormal, to try and piece together where Brian Shaffer could possibly be. Can a building entangle itself with a person’s fate? Tune in as we delve deep into the shadows of the unknown in search of answers.
Small curiosity, now that ABBA released their album today is thumbs up as there is an indirect reference to one of the members of the group in this very episode.
Music kindly provided by Michela M., who has written, performed and composed the audiotrack.
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An Introduction...
Brian Shaffer, , a 27 years old med student, decided to go out the 31th of march 2006 together with a friend of his, Clint Florence, to celebrate the beginning of the spring break holiday in Columbus Ohio.
Brian was born the 11th of February 1977 in Pickerington OHIO. He was 6 foot 2, athletically built, brown haired and brown eyed. A good look by all means. The son of Randy and Renee Shaffer, Brian also had a younger brother by the name of Derek. Brian’s father worked as an electrician and he was active in the local parish where he was a valued saxophonist at the services.
Brian’s mum worked as a nurse. His younger brother Derek followed his father ambitions and later began working for the same company the father worked for, Brian in turn would seek his moms aspirations and as he would soon follow in her footsteps....
He began the pursuit to become a doctor and had by 2006 spent eight years studying to make it a reality.
At the Ohio State University Brian met his girlfriend Alexis Waggoner. Brian said he fell for her blue eyes and wavy long brown hair. They became almost inseparable and helped each other out studying. The relation was as close as could be, and some had speculated that a proposal was becoming a reality.
Brian had a little jokingly setup a myspace site on the internet, were he boosted that the medical school was really a side thing, what he really wanted to do was go to an island, play in a band and drink margaritas all day long with his love!
Because Brians big passion in life was music. He enjoyed a mixed style of songs and performers but his favourite group was unequivocally Pearl Jam. His dedication was as such that he made a tatoo on the upper part of his right arm, it depicted the logo of a figure on the cover of their single "Alive". He also got Alexis sucked into Eddie Vedders lyrics and the whole experience was to culminate with a visit to Detroit the may the 22.nd. Brian had been a devoted member of the Pearl Jam fan club The Ten Club. And that had earned him the possibility to acquire 2 concert tickets close to the stage. Brian and Alexis would now watch his long time favourite group together.
As life is for everyone not everything was hunky-doorie in Brian’s own life however, if the constant burden of pocket money shortage due to the cost of studying, and the immense pressure to pass the exams in medical school wasn’t enough, tragedy struck the Shaffer family in beginning of march 2006. Brians mum, Renee, died of a rare form of cancer. This disease had consumed her, and there was little anyone could do to save her. She had gone from being the best care provider to someone who needed daily help herself. But her family and especially Brian was there for her. Brian had always been closer to his mum.
When he received news Renee had passed away Brian took it hard. His pillar in life, had suddenly vanished. On her funeral Brian showed up an hour later than everyone else. Randy had decided to play the saxophone during the service, in Brian's absence he played wrong, there had been an awkward silence awaiting Brian’s arrival. Some began to wonder how he coped with his own feelings after Renee’s death. When his cousins confronted Brian afterwards about why he had not shown up in time, his excuse was that he had overslept. Brian in a nutshell, they said afterwards. Although in sorrow, people close Brian said he seemed to handle the loss of his mother rather well.
As a last Christmas present, Mom Reneé gave a gift Brian would look forward to... It was a trip to Miami, Florida.
He and Alexis would get away and enjoy some time off together. Brian would plan the trip in the smallest detail, he sat for a long time and chose which hotel to stay at, which restaurants they would visit, ... and he set the departure date to when the week-long spring-break holiday would be Monday, April the 3rd....